LaMancha and
Recorded Grade Dairy Goats,

Great Pyrenees Guardian Dogs
Artisan Homemade Products












About our Great Pyrenees Guardian Dogs....

Our dogs all started over 15 years ago with Marchellus. He was a Great Pyrenees/Polish Tetra cross. He was 2 years old when we got him and he was guarding our sheep at all times. Because of the location of our farm, we have predators such as hawks, fox and coyotes.

After losing Marchellus, we waited two years and then Badger came into our lives to replace him. Badger is a 100% Great Pyrenees female.  She is now seven years old and an amazing guard dog. At just over a year of age she took down her first coyote that was dragging a young lamb into the woods!

In 2019, I returned to my home state of Wisconsin for a Commercial Dairy Goat Summit and attended a livestock guarding presentation put on by not one but two 20 year plus breeders of LGD dogs. At that time, I purchased Baier, a Great Pyrenees male. He is now four years old.

This is how it all began for us. Both of these dogs have incredible minds and work with our 4-Hers while on my property. They have worked with youth as young as 2 years old. I work relentlessly to help get your future dog ready for his or her furever home!

Please check out our puppy page to see if you can find your dream dog!

Badger (left) and Baier (right) with our son, Geo

Feel free to contact us with questions or to request more information on our puppies.

Call or text today to schedule a time to meet the current puppies and choose
your next fur baby!!


Jill Kutz
Friendsville, PA  18818
Cell/Text: 607-237-6053
Landline: 570-553-4280


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All material on this site property of Viva Villa Farm © 2022-2024
Page last updated 09/19/2023